viernes, 11 de mayo de 2012

29 Faces - day 11

Bueno, bueno, bueno. Mi princesa de ayer parecía un poco sola, así que he decidido dibujar su media naranja, porque, querido tú, ya sabes que todos necesitamos un poco de amor! Hoy otro día ajetreado por lo que esta entrada va a ser corta también...lo siento mucho...¡¡¿¿cómo que tú no??!!

Well, well, well. The princess I drew yesterday looked a bit lonely so, I have decided to find her a sweetheart because, dear you, you perfectly know that we all need love! Today´s another hectic day, so the post is going to be short again...I am sorry...What do you mean you aren´t??!!

2 comentarios:

  1. Gorgeous!!!I love them both, and the background is amazing! Oh, love...:)

    1. Thank you Sonja! The background was for another project that I did not finish in the end so it is serving me for this couple. It does not really match the style of the characters, but I quite like it indeed. Thanks again.
