Sábado. Fin de semana. Uno debería poder dormir hasta que se le salgan los ojos por detrás de la cabeza de tanto tenerlos cerrados...¿A que sí? Pues, no, querido tú. Está mañana, a eso de las 7 horas, iba yo de caza, el oído super afinado, sentada muy recta en la cama con los ojos exorbitados, olvidándome de mi buena educación y medio enloquecida por ese maldito mosquito que no paraba de dar vueltas a MI alrededor. Digo, mi marido estaba al lado, que tengo yo de tan especial para que los mosquitos vengan a fastidiarME el sueño (no digas a mi marido que te dije eso, eh!)? En fin, tras soltar una retahíla de insultos - ya te comenté que me había olvidado de mi buena educación - me levanté con tantos nervios que tenía que hacer cosas, así que, mira por donde, he decidido dibujar la cara número 12 del challenge: basada en un autorretrato de Leonardo da Vinci posterior a 1515, en lápiz en mi art journal. La concentración me permitió calmarme poco a poco y ya me quedé muy tranquila cuando llegó mi marido con el mosquito muerto en su mano. Es que es mi héroe...ahora que lo pienso, con toda mi agitación, puede que yo haya sido un mosquito gordo para él, pobrecito!!!
Saturday. The weekend. One should be able to sleep until his eyes pop out from the back of his head, don´t you agree? Well, no, dear you. This morning, at around 7 AM, I was already hunting, the ear super sharp, seated upright in bed with my eyes wide open, forgetting my good education and half maddened by that damn mosquito that kept flying around me. I say, my husband was beside me, why do mosquitos have to come and spoil MY sleep (don´t tell hubby I´ve said that, hey!). Well, after saying a string of insults - I told you I had forgotten my good education - I got up so upset that I needed to be busy, so, guess what? I decided to draw my face nº12 for the challenge: based on a self portrait by Leonardo Da Vinci after 1515, in graphite pen in my art journal. Being concentrated on the task allowed me to calm down a little bit and I remained totally relaxed when my husband arrived with the dead mosquito in his hand. His my hero...but, now that I think of it, with all the show that I did this morning, I may have been a big mosquito for poor hubby!
Très réussi ma soeur !!! J'adore !!!!!!!!!!!!
This is really good,Nacima! That Mosquito was called Leonardo and he awoke you to make you draw him! heheh! We have so many flies and the mosquitoes will invade us very soon! I am armed with repellants!
ResponderEliminarHello Palma! Mosquitoes have arrived earlier than expected and really hope they will go soon too, but I doubt it. They drove me really, really mad last year! if you have a good, efficient natural reppellant recipe, PLEASE share it with me! Thanks again for your comment as it reminded me that I have forgotten to mention Leonardo as I did for the previous drawings, will update the post consequently.
EliminarQuelle tristesse dans ce regard!!!!! mais j'adore!! continue comme ça ma soeur.Bisous NEK